Associations, institutions, etc.
Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Scope Note: Variants: Organizations, voluntary associations
Found in 71 Collections and/or Records:
Young Men's Congregational Club records, 1896-1912. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG1073
More about 'Associations, institutions, etc.'
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- Associations, institutions, etc.
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- Names
- American Education Society. 2
- Andover Theological Seminary 2
- Boston Seaman's Friend Society. 2
- Congregational Publishing Society 2
- Fagley, Frederick Louis, 1879-1958 2
- Minister's Club (Boston, Mass.) 2
- Albro, John A. (John Adams), 1799-1866 1
- American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. 1
- American Committee for Relief in the Near East 1
- American Congregational Union. 1
- American Doctrinal Tract Society 1
- American Peace Society. 1
- American Revival Association. 1
- American Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. 1
- American Sunday-School Union. 1
- American Theological Library Association. 1
- Andover Theological Seminary. Alumni Association. 1
- Andover Theological Seminary. Chapel 1
- Annuity Fund for Congregational Ministers. 1
- Arakelyan Press 1
- Baldwin, Theron. 1
- Boston Benevolent Societies (Mass.) 1
- Boston Congregational Club. 1
- Boston Minister's Club. 1
- Cavendish Ladies Association. 1
- Christian Camp Meeting Association (Craigville, Mass.) 1
- Christian Church (Denomination) 1
- Clark, Joseph S. (Joseph Sylvester) 1
- Cleveland Congregational Union (Cleveland, Ohio.) 1
- Collège Cévenol. American Friends 1
- Committee of War Victims and Services. 1
- Committee on the Sabbath (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Congregational Association of Detroit 1
- Congregational Board of Publication 1
- Congregational Charitable Society 1
- Congregational Christian Churches. Southern Convention. 1
- Congregational Christian Committee on Conscienstious Objectors 1
- Congregational Christian Historical Society 1
- Congregational Church Union of Boston and Vicinity (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Congregational Churches. 1
- Congregational Club (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Congregational Sabbath School Superintendents' Union of Boston. 1
- Congregational Sabbath-School and Publishing Society 1
- Congregational Sunday School Superintendents' Union. 1
- Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society. 1
- Connecticut Fellowship of Congregational-Christian Women 1
- Connecticut Valley Congregational Club. 1
- Connecticut Women of the United Church of Christ 1
- Corban Society 1
- Council of Congregational-Christian Women of Connecticut 1
- Day, Noel, 1933- 1
- Delaware Valley Association of Congregational Christian Churches 1
- Detroit Congregational Union (Detroit, Mich.) 1
- Dexter, Henry Martyn, 1821-1890 1
- Diversity Club (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Doctrinal Tract and Book Society 1
- Dorchester Maternal Association (Dorchester, Boston, Mass.) 1
- Echo, Susan 1
- Education Society of Boston and Vicinity. 1
- Evangelical and Reformed Church 1
- Fellowship of Congregational-Christian Women of Connecticut 1
- Franklinton Center. 1
- Franklinton Institute. 1
- Graham Society 1
- Griesinger, Jan 1
- Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 1
- Hanks, S. W. (Stedman Wright) 1
- Heistad, Trygve 1
- Hitchcock, Roswell D. (Roswell Dwight) 1
- Holden, Waldo C. 1
- International Congregational Council (6th : 1949 : Wellesley, Mass.) 1
- Kennebec Valley Association 1
- Laviscount, Samuel L., -1979 1
- Massachusetts Bible Society 1
- Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society 1
- Massachusetts Convention of Congregational Ministers 1
- Massachusetts Council of Churches 1
- Massachusetts Sabbath School Society 1
- Ministerial Relief Society of Minnesota. 1
- Monday Club (Boston, Mass.) 1
- National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (U.S.) 1
- National Council of Congregational Churches of the United States 1
- Near East Foundation 1
- Near East Relief (Organization) 1
- New West Education Commission 1
- Norfolk County Bible Society (Norfolk County, Mass.) 1
- Northeast Congregational Development Corporation. 1
- Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ 1
- Palmer, Albert 1
- Park Street Church (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Pastor's Study Conference (Springfield, Mass.) 1
- Pastoral Association. Massachusetts Committee on Western Institutions. 1
- Pilgrim Club (Boston, Mass.) 1
- Pilgrim Fellowship, Inc. 1
- Pilgrim Memorial Fund. 1
- Plymouth County Education Society (Plymouth, Mass.) 1
- Pond, Enoch 1
- Porter, Ebenezer 1
- Preacher's and Pastor's Club. 1
- Schmalz, Alfred 1 ∧ less
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