Showing Collections: 921 - 930 of 1065
South Hadley, Mass. Ecclesiastical Council proceedings, 1823. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG4398
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
South Milwaukee, Wis. German Evangelical Congregational Church records, 1894-1912. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG5251
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Southampton, Mass. First Congregational Church records, 1743-1832. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG5059
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Southwest Harbor, Me. Mount Desert Congregational Church records, 1792-1892. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG1396
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Southwest Ohio Association records, 1836-1963. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG0161
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Spirit of the Pilgrims Magazine records, 1826-1831. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG0162
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Springfield, Mass. Congregational Union of Springfield records, 1905-1963. : [manuscript]
Identifier: RG1175
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Springfield, Mass. East Congregational Church records, 1925-2019.
Identifier: RG5490
East Congregational Church began in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1921 under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Orville T. Fletcher. Four years later in May of 1925, the first service at East Congregational Church was held, led by Rev. Myron Fowell. The church was originally operating on the second floor of the Central Hall building from 1925-1929, and relocated to their new Community House upon its completion in 1929. Rev. Donald Simpson was called to service in 1948, and during his time he led...
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Springfield, Mass. Emmanuel United Church of Christ records, 1881-2000.
Identifier: RG4392
The church started as White Street Congregational Church in 1881, but did not officially start until 1888. The collection includes topics on church records; pastor files; church groups; historical material; and photographs.
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Stephen Clapp Pixley and Louisa Pixley's Collection of papers, 1852-2000. : [manuscript]
Identifier: MS4742
1852-2000, bulk 1852-1934
Found in:
Congregational Library & Archives
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Church records and registers. 381
- Church membership. 122
- Baptismal records. 89
- Marriage records. 82
- Associations, institutions, etc. 71
- Church finance. 71
- New England's Hidden Histories. 71
- Necrologies. 43
- Clergy -- Correspondence. 34
- Pews and pew rights. 33
- Women -- Societies and clubs. 32
- Church discipline. 30
- Church history. 30
- Diaries. 30
- Sunday schools. 28
- Installation (clergy). 26
- Scrapbooks. 26
- Sermons. 23
- Sermons, American. 22
- Clergy -- United States. 20
- Correspondence. 20
- Ordination. 19
- Photographs. 19
- Church societies. 18
- Sermons, American -- Early works to 1800. 18
- Covenants (Church polity). 17
- Church correspondence. 16
- Home missions. 16
- Church buildings. 13
- Registers of births, etc. 13
- Worship programs. 13
- Church controversies. 11
- Creeds. 11
- Charities. 10
- Church newsletters. 10
- Christian education. 9
- Covenants (Church polity) -- Congregational churches. 9
- Letters. 9
- Community organization. 8
- Corporate minutes. 8
- Women in church work. 8
- Baptism. 7
- Church bulletins. 7
- Religious institutions. 7
- Christian education of children. 6
- Church architecture -- Designs and plans. 6
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.). 6
- Excommunication. 6
- Missionaries -- Correspondence. 6
- Music in churches. 6
- Obituaries. 6
- Unitarian controversy. 6
- Women -- Religious life. 6
- Christian union. 5
- Church polity. 5
- Clergy conferences. 5
- Constitutions. 5
- Fraternal organizations. 5
- Genealogy. 5
- United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783. 5
- Vital statistics. 5
- Anniversaries. 4
- Antislavery movements. 4
- Baptism and church membership. 4
- Church bells. 4
- Church charities. 4
- Church property. 4
- Church statistics. 4
- Clergy -- Appointment, call, and election. 4
- Clergy -- Pictorial works. 4
- Commonplace books. 4
- Corporation reports -- Religious aspects. 4
- Gay rights -- Religious aspects. 4
- Legal documents. 4
- Missionaries -- Turkey. 4
- Missions -- Africa. 4
- Photograph albums. 4
- Social surveys. 4
- Speeches, addresses, etc., American. 4
- Wills. 4
- Women clergy. 4
- Account books. 3
- Autobiography. 3
- Biography. 3
- Book collecting. 3
- Christian stewardship. 3
- Christianity and politics. 3
- Church and state. 3
- Church lands. 3
- City missions. 3
- Clergy -- Finance, Personal. 3
- Conference proceedings. 3
- Congregational churches. 3
- Deacons -- Congregational churches. 3
- Education, Higher. 3
- Education. 3
- Evangelistic work. 3
- Funeral sermons. 3
- Guest books. 3
- Indians of North America -- Missions. 3 ∧ less
- Language
- English 1058
- German 6
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
- Latin 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Tamil 1 ∧ less
- Names
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 57
- Chicago (Ill.) 15
- Chicago Theological Seminary 14
- Ecclesiastical Council. 12
- American Home Missionary Society 9
- Old South Church (Boston, Mass.) 7
- United Church Board for World Ministries. 7
- Andover Theological Seminary 6
- Christian Church (Denomination) 6
- Dexter, Henry Martyn, 1821-1890 6
- National Council of Congregational Churches of the United States 5
- United Church Board for World Missionaries. 5
- American Missionary Association. 4
- Andover Newton Theological School 4
- Brockton (Mass.) 4
- Codman, John, 1782-1847 4
- National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (U.S.) 4
- Park , Edwards Amasa 4
- Park Street Church (Boston, Mass.) 4
- United Church of Christ 4
- Beecher, Edward 3
- Berkeley Temple Congregational Church (Boston, Mass.) 3
- Bethany Congregational Church (Montpelier, Vt.) 3
- Boston Seaman's Friend Society. 3
- Cambridge (Mass.) 3
- Clarke, Jonas Bowen. 3
- Congregational Association of Detroit 3
- Congregational Christian Historical Society 3
- Congregational Churches. 3
- Congregational Library (Boston, Mass.) 3
- Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758 3
- Evangelical and Reformed Church 3
- Fagley, Frederick Louis, 1879-1958 3
- First Church (Ipswich, Mass.) 3
- General Association of Illinois 3
- General Conference of the German Evangelical Congregational Churches of North America. 3
- German Congregational Church. 3
- Langworthy, Isaac P. (Isaac Pendleton), 1806-1888 3
- Massachusetts Congregational Christian Conference. 3
- Minister's Club (Boston, Mass.) 3
- Missionary Society of Connecticut 3
- North Bridgewater (Mass.) 3
- Old North Church (Marblehead, Mass.) 3
- Pilgrim Memorial Church (Pittsfield, Mass.) 3
- South Church (Salem, Mass.) 3
- Taylor, Richard H. (Richard Henry) 3
- Tenney, Samuel 3
- United Church of Christ Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns 3
- Woman's Board of Missions 3
- Wood, Robert Watson 3
- Abington (Mass.) 2
- Albro, John A. (John Adams), 1799-1866 2
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission 2
- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Prudential Committee. 2
- American Congregational Association. 2
- American Congregational Union. 2
- American Education Society. 2
- American Tract Society 2
- Anderson, Rufus 2
- Arlington (Mass.) 2
- Barnard, John 2
- Barnstable (Mass.) 2
- Barton, William Eleazar 2
- Bascom, Flavel, 1804-1890 2
- Baxter, Joseph, 1676-1745 2
- Beckwith, Kenneth D., 1896- 2
- Beecher, Henry Ward 2
- Bethany Church (Montpelier, Vt.) 2
- Broadway Tabernacle (New York, N.Y.) 2
- Brooks, Phillips 2
- Bushnell, Horace 2
- Butman, Harry R. 2
- Cherokee Association of Congregational Churches (Iowa) 2
- Chicago Congregational Union. 2
- Church in Brattle Square (Boston, Mass.) 2
- Church of Christ at Concord (Concord, Mass.) 2
- Clarendon Congregational Church (Hyde Park, Boston, Mass.) 2
- Clark, Joseph S. (Joseph Sylvester) 2
- Colorado Springs (Colo.) 2
- Community Renewal Society (Chicago, Ill.) 2
- Congregational Christian Service Committee 2
- Congregational Church (Sturbridge, Mass.) 2
- Congregational Conference of Ohio. 2
- Congregational Home Missionary Society 2
- Congregational Publishing Society 2
- Conrad, Arcturus Z. (Arcturus Zodiac) 2
- Dartmouth College 2
- Doane, Carla Strong 2
- Doane, Edward Topping 2
- Eliot, John 2
- Emmons, Nathanael 2
- Finney, Charles G. 2
- First Church (Charlestown, Boston, Mass.) 2
- First Church of Christ (Granville, Mass.) 2
- First Church of Christ (Lancaster, Mass.) 2
- First Congregational Church ((Gardner, Mass.)) 2
- First Congregational Church (Brimfield, Mass.) 2
- First Congregational Church (Hyde Park, Boston, Mass.) 2
- First Congregational Church (Newton, Mass.) 2
- First Congregational Church (Rockport, Mass.) 2 ∧ less
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