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Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 18687

1. Boston South Baptist Association. The Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of the Boston South Baptist Association, (Sixty-Third of the Boston Association,) held with the Clarendon St. Baptist Church, Boston, September 22 & 23, 1875. Minutes of the Boston South Baptist Association 1875. Boston: J.M. Hewes, 1875., September 22-23, 1875

 File — Box: 4, Volume: 1
Scope and Contents From the Series:

Published books and pamphlets having to do with churches, religious history and religious figures from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. The majority are mid-19th century, only one from the 18th century.

Dates: September 22-23, 1875

1. Dorchester, Boston, Mass. Second Church records, circa 1805-1815

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents One soft-cover, handwritten record book. Includes "A sketch of the Establishment of the 2d Church of Christ in Dorchester", "The Church Covenant", copy of some meeting minutes, "The Answer to Dr. Codman", "Mr. Codman's Answer to the Church", members of the church 1808 to 1815, "Names of Relations Disposed", and "Mr. Codman's Confess. of Faith". This church was founded in 1808 by members of the First Church of Dorchester. These records may have been a personal copy kept by their first...
Dates: circa 1805-1815

2. Boston, Mass. Mt. Vernon Congregational Church collection, circa 1896

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents

Six letters, one list of committee members, and a printed sermon "A Sermon Preached in Mt. Vernon Church, Boston upon the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Settlement by S. E. Herrick, D.D.", 1896. Letters written by Sanford Keith, church clerk, James Gordon, and J. A. Brown. All materials relate to the committee organized to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the church's pastor.

Dates: circa 1896

2. Boston South Baptist Association. The Tenth Anniversary of the Boston South Baptist Association, held with the Harvard Street Church, Boston, September 8 and 9, 1858. Boston: J.M. Hewes, 1858., 1858

 File — Box: 4, Volume: 2
Scope and Contents From the Series:

Published books and pamphlets having to do with churches, religious history and religious figures from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. The majority are mid-19th century, only one from the 18th century.

Dates: 1858

2 photographs of nurses, undated

 File — Box: 10
Scope of Collection From the Collection:

This collection documents the history of the organization, including meetings; membership; anniversary celebrations; and church life. Included in the records are meeting minutes and reports; vital statistics including membership and baptismal records; ledgers; photographs; and scrapbooks.

Dates: Other: undated

2 photographs, unidentified, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Collection of photographs taken and maintained by John Y. Deane of churches in New England. The date of the building's construction has been noted where known in the folder title.

Dates: undated

3. Boston South Baptist Association. The Twenty-First Anniversary of the Boston South Baptist Association, (Fifty-Seventh of the Boston Association,) Held with the Baptist Church in North Randolph, September 22 & 23, 1869. Minutes of the Boston South Baptist Association 1869. Boston: J.M. Hewes, 1869., September 22-23, 1869

 File — Box: 4, Volume: 3
Scope and Contents From the Series:

Published books and pamphlets having to do with churches, religious history and religious figures from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. The majority are mid-19th century, only one from the 18th century.

Dates: September 22-23, 1869

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English 5
German 2
Andover Association of Churches and Ministers. 1
Andover Association. 1
Andover Conference of Churches. 1
Barker, Joseph, 1751-1815 1
Barnstable Association of Ministry. 1
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Berkshire Association (Mass.) 1
Berkshire North Association of Congregational Christian Churches. 1
Berkshire South Association of Congregational Christian Churches. 1
Berkshire South Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers. 1
Blyth, Benjamin 1
Brewster Association. 1
Brookfield Association (Mass.) 1
Carpenter, C. C. (Charles Carroll) 1
Clark, Joseph S. 1
Conant, Sylvanus, 1720-1777 1
Congregational Church Union of Boston and Vicinity 1
Dexter, Henry Martyn, 1821-1890 1
Essex North Association (Mass.) 1
Essex South Association (Mass.) 1
Essex South Branch Missionary Association. 1
Essex South County Branch Woman's Board of Missions (Mass.) 1
Faith United Church of Christ (Union (Union County, N.J.)) 1
Forsberg, Nancy E. 1
General Association of Massachusetts. 1
General Association of the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. 1
Greenwood, John 1
Hall, George R. 1
Hampden Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers. 1
Hampden Association. 1
Hampden East Association. 1
Hampden West Association. 1
Marlborough Association of Congregational Ministers. 1
Massachusetts Congregational Christian Conference. 1
Massachusetts Congregational Conference and Missionary Society. 1
Massachusetts Congregational Conference. 1
Massachusetts Home Missionary Society 1
Mendon Association. 1
Metropolitan Boston Association. 1
Middlesex Mendon Association. 1
Middlesex South Ministerial Association. 1
Norfolk Association. 1
Norfolk Conference of Congregational Churches. 1
Norfolk Union Association of Ministers. 1
Old Colony Association of Churches and Ministers. 1
Old Colony Conference of Churches. 1
Old Colony Ministerial Assocation. 1
Old Colony United Association, UCC. 1
Pilgrim Association. 1
Pilgrim Conference of Churches. 1
Plymouth Association of Ministers. 1
Putnam, Israel W. (Israel Warburton), 1786-1868 1
Salem Association of Congregational Ministers. 1
Salem Association of Ministers. 1
Salem Union of Congregational Ministers. 1
Sartain and Doty 1
South Middlesex Conference of Churches. 1
Suffolk Association. 1
Suffolk North Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers. 1
Suffolk North Association of Ministers. 1
Suffolk South Association of Churches. 1
Suffolk South Association. 1
Suffolk South Conference of Churches. 1
Suffolk West Association. 1
Suffolk West Conference. 1
Taunton Association. 1
Taunton Conference of Churches (Mass.) 1
Tyler, Amelia 1
United Church of Christ. Massachusetts Conference 1
Unknown 1
Whipple, John Adams, 1822-1891 1
Willard, William 1
Williams, Thomas, 1779-1876 1
Woburn Association of Congregational Churches. 1
Woburn Conference. 1
Woman's Board of Missions 1
Worcester Association in Massachusetts. 1
Worcester Association of Ministers (Mass.) 1
Worcester Central Association of Congregational Churches. 1
Worcester North Conference of Congregational Churches. 1
Worcester South Association of Congregational Churches. 1
Worcester West Association. 1
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